Join us in this urgent call to tell Congress to support $290m of funding in the FY25 budget

In a world marked by ongoing global conflicts, the imperative to eradicate landmines and other explosive devices has never been more urgent. These lethal threats endanger the lives of millions of innocent people, exacerbating the impact of war by disrupting livelihoods, jeopardizing food security, and imperiling wildlife.

At APOPO, we harness the remarkable abilities of our HeroRATs and HeroDOGs to effectively clear these hazardous materials, forging a safer future for all. Our humanitarian demining programs foster societies where people can live with the dignity and security they deserve.

Looking forward, APOPO remains committed to expanding the deployment of detection animals in regions where their presence is crucial. This approach enables faster and more cost-efficient cleanup compared to traditional methods, ensuring a safer world for generations to come.

We urge you to stand with us in calling upon Congress to bolster humanitarian demining efforts. By doing so, you will help APOPO, its HeroRATs, HeroDOGs, and other demining partners save more lives.

Please join us by signing this letter to tell Congress to support $290m of funding in the FY25 budget. Thank you!

Take 15 seconds to fill out the form below and and sign the letter so your voice will be heard!