APOPO in Senegal

APOPO Mine Action Technical Survey Dog searching on leash


Senegal, a major economic power in West Africa, is politically stable and economically dynamic despite challenges like the ongoing conflict in Casamance. While the country is experiencing significant economic growth, a substantial portion of the population lives in extreme poverty. The Casamance conflict, ongoing for over thirty years, has caused numerous mine accidents and limited access to agricultural land in this critical region, known as the ‘breadbasket of Senegal.’ Senegal estimates the extent of contamination linked to the conflict in Casamance at 1,200,000 m² of land, spread over five areas.

APOPO in Senegal

In 2023 APOPO entered into a new partnership with Humanity & Inclusion (HI) the main mine clearance operator in the country, and secured a grant from the Dutch Government to expand the mine clearance project in Casamance. This project aims to address these issues by clearing minefields in Casamance, benefiting nearly 50,000 people. APOPO supports the HI team with four Technical Survey Dogs (TSDs) to accelerate the survey, clearance, and release of the remaining areas in Casamance, and bring Senegal closer to a Mine-Free status by the end of 2025.

Due to political unrest in Casamance, accreditation and deployment plans were delayed several times, and the team finally received all permissions to work in December 2023.  The team found a landmine on its second day of operations. APOPO’s efforts are transforming dangerous areas into safe, productive land, enhancing overall community safety and development, and allowing residents to reclaim their land for farming and other essential activities.

Partnerships for Good

This program is a partnership with local authorities and international organizations, whose support is crucial in achieving our mission. Their collaboration ensures that our efforts are effective and sustainable, providing lasting benefits to communities in Senegal.


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