Cambodia – Sarun

Sarun and family in Cambodia

How APOPO Helped Sarun Reclaim His Land

At APOPO, we are dedicated to creating safe and thriving communities by eradicating the dangers of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO). Through the remarkable efforts of our HeroRATs, we have witnessed transformative impacts on countless lives. One such story comes from Sarun, a resilient Cambodian farmer and father of four whose life has been dramatically changed thanks to our demining efforts.

Sarun’s Story

“My name is Sarun, and I am 36 years old. I was born near the Vietnam border, but my family moved to Sre Nui when I was ten. I am now a farmer, growing rice, cassava, and soybeans with my wife, and we have four children.

Living close to a minefield has had a big impact on my life. The landmines not only threatened our safety but also made it impossible to cultivate our land. It was dangerous for our livestock too; our cows and buffalo were often injured or scared away by explosions. The fear of landmines restricted our movements, forcing us to stick to main roads and avoid less traveled paths to school or work. My children were not allowed to play outside or roam freely; they had to stay at home or move around only with adults.

Sarun and Harvest
The landmines were a constant presence, just 100 to 200 meters from our home. I have known them all my life, as they were here long before I was born. Friends and family always warned me about the dangers, but the origins of these deadly traps were a mystery to me. Over the years, I have witnessed the devastating impact of landmines. Four people I knew were injured, and one tragically lost his life while working in the fields.

My encounters with landmines were numerous. I often found them around my house and in my rice fields. When I discovered one, I would call the local authorities to dispose of it, but the area remained unsafe. As a child, I once stumbled upon a landmine, mistaking it for a toy. Thankfully, my brother intervened, saving my life. That incident left a lasting impression on me, and I have taught my children to be cautious and avoid strange objects on the ground. My oldest daughter, who is 12, knows to be very careful, and their teachers at school also educate them about the dangers of landmines. There are also advertisements on TV and in newspapers to inform and educate people about the risks.

The problem with landmines is not just the immediate risk to life. Surviving an explosion means you have to rely on other people to help you, and you are unable to work or move freely. I remember children taking explosives to play with the powder, making small explosions or fireworks, not realizing the grave danger they were in.

But everything changed when APOPO arrived in our village. The HeroRATs from APOPO quickly found the landmines so the land around our home could be cleared, they are too light to detonate the mines so they are safe. For the first time, I felt a huge sense of relief. My children could finally play outside without fear. The entire village celebrated the remarkable work of APOPO and the HeroRATs. At first, I didn’t believe in the rats’ abilities, but seeing them in action changed my mind. They cleared the field next to our house, and it was astonishing to see how efficient they were.

Sarun collects cans so they can be recycled into cooking pots

Since APOPO came here, my life has improved a lot. I can now plant more rice, and renting a tractor for harvesting is not a problem any more. My business is thriving, my family is happier, and my children are free to enjoy their youth without the constant threat of landmines. I have even started collecting tin cans so they can be recycled into cooking pans. We have to make the best use of this land that has been returned to us. The work APOPO has done in our village has brought hope and safety, transforming our lives for the better.”


Donate now and help APOPO return safe land to local communities so they can rebuild their lives and livelihoods.

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