Its official, APOPO has been ranked as Top-Rated Non-Profit on GreatNonProfits for the second year in a row. Rankings are based on reviews from supporters around the world and more than 137 people have ranked APOPO as a five star worthy organisation.

Below are a selection of reviews posted to GreatNonProfits about APOPO.

The APOPO story is a brilliant example of using nature in a beneficial way, with zero ‘negative effects’ on the environment and at the same time answering an important question for us in Africa – How can we find affordable ways of enhancing the lives of millions of poor people? – RichHarland

Wonderful organisation; they really do help save lots of lives and treat their wee saviours with lots of respect and give them lots of love. A charity worth helping. – Lucy24

This amazing non-profit trains rats to sniff out land mines, clearing areas that would otherwise be deadly to tread on. The rats are incredibly intelligent and down right cute. The trainers are dedicated. It is a wonderful cause. – Danl10

I absolutely love this charity! The work they are doing has so many positive effects. They are creating jobs, making unsafe areas habitable again, diagnosing illness and helping to dispel the negative perceptions usually associated with rats. – pdoupe

APOPO would like to thank everyone who has submitted a review and helped us to become a Top Rated Non-Profit for the second year running. You can submit your review about APOPO to GreatNonProfits using the link below.