HeroTREEs Projects

We facilitate a Community of Practice designed to improve skills, share best practices, and encourage continuous learning.

SAT FairCarbon4Us

APOPO, in collaboration with Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) APOPO, has planted 60,920 trees across 71 species in the Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, as part of the HeroTREEs initiative, with 36,945 trees currently thriving. SAT has also trained 160 farmers, equipping them with sustainable agroforestry skills. To enhance accountability and impact, we co-developed an innovative self-monitoring system where farmers track each other’s activities and receive financial compensation to offset opportunity costs, ensuring long-term commitment to reforestation and ecosystem restoration.

APOPO HeroTREEs Farmer Sharifa
APOPO Cambodia rice fields and farmers herotrees

Minefields to Rice Fields (Cambodia)

Launched in Preah Vihear, the Minefields to Rice Fields project converts former minefields into sustainable, high-value organic rice farms. This initiative empowers 45 farming families, aiming to increase their income by over 30% in two years. Funded through a Development Impact Bond (DIB), the project ensures rigorous impact measurement, with APOPO receiving payments based on its achievements. A real-time data monitoring system tracks progress, providing a scalable model for future expansion. As more minefields are cleared, the project will extend its reach, revitalizing landscapes and creating lasting economic opportunities.

Mgeta Livelihood Development Foundation (MLDF)

APOPO partners with MLDF to implement syntropic agroforestry in the ARC Mountains, supporting 800+ farmers in restoring degraded land. These projects integrate high-value cash crops like coffee, cocoa, and spices, which thrive in shaded ecosystems. In collaboration with FarmTree, we model selected farms to forecast economic and environmental impact, including their carbon sequestration potential, ensuring long-term sustainability and resilience.
Mgeta Livelihood Development Foundation and HeroTREEs
Newly planted HeroTREEs seedling

Reforestation and Ecosystem Restoration

In collaboration with Sokoine University of Agriculture’s Forestry Department, APOPO’s HeroTREES program leads reforestation efforts, focusing on indigenous species to restore local ecosystems and promote biodiversity. By collaborating with university students, we provide hands-on training in ecological restoration, equipping them with valuable skills while strengthening local capacity for sustainable land management.