HeroTREEs: From Soil Erosion to Sustainable Farming

APOPO HeroTREEs Farmer Saidi and son

Saidi, a 56-year-old farmer from Tulo in the Uluguru mountains of Tanzania, faced many challenges on his farms. He struggled with soil erosion and changing weather patterns, making it hard to grow crops. With support from APOPO’s HeroTREEs project, Saidi found a way to improve his farming and take care of his land.

“For many years, I grew carrots and maize on my farms. But farming on the steep slopes of the Uluguru mountains was very hard. Heavy rains would wash away the soil, causing erosion and poor crop yields. Nowadays because of the change of weather, the rivers don’t bring as much water as they used to and sometimes are even running dry, and temperatures have risen. Every year, farming has become more difficult, and I didn’t know how to fix it. My neighbor joined the first phase of the HeroTREEs project and turned his farm into a forest. When I saw his success, I wanted to join too. When APOPO came back to our village, I was the first to sign up for the second phase of the project.

APOPO HeroTREEs Farmer Saidi and Sharifa in the same group
We formed groups of ten, and APOPO gave us seedlings and tools. We chose the types of trees we wanted to plant and took care of the seedlings until they were ready to be transplanted. I planted about 470 trees on one of my farms, which is on a very steep slope. Planting trees on my farm has made a huge difference. The trees have reduced soil erosion, keeping the soil in place during heavy rains. Now, my crops are growing better. The trees will also absorb carbon dioxide and provide firewood in the future. By planting trees, I hope to bring back the cooler climate we used to have and reduce mosquitoes. The support from APOPO has been incredibly helpful. As small farmers, starting projects like this on our own is very hard. The HeroTREEs project has improved my farm and has also brought our community together. We are working towards a greener, more sustainable future. I am very grateful for the chance to join the HeroTREEs project. From struggling with soil erosion to growing a healthy forest, I have seen the benefits of sustainable farming. I look forward to a future where our environment and livelihoods continue to improve, thanks to APOPO and the HeroTREEs project.”


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